Start a Conversation
Start a Conversation is the mental health and suicide prevention campaign for Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland. It is delivered by Public Health at Leicestershire County Council for everyone to use. The campaign, including website, aims to use the power of our communities to support people with their mental health. A big part of this includes increasing the number of open and honest conversations that happen about mental health and suicide.
By sharing reliable information and promoting talking more and openly about mental health and suicide, we hope people will become more aware, face less stigma and discrimination, and be supported to help themselves or seek help from around them, ultimately saving lives.
The website provides:
- Reliable information
- Advice on challenging stigma
- Signposting to self and local help
- Resources to support conversations and raise awareness
- Training to upskill
- Ways to get involved
The website acts as a hub of information and can spring board you off to other key websites and organisations across Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland including Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust, First Contact Plus, JOY, Live Well etc.
You can visit the website via: or contact the team via email:
Services in Leicestershire
Perinatal Mental Health Support Service
Personalised and specialist care to people living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland who have complex or severe mental health problems relating to pregnancy, childbirth and the first year following a child's birth
Mums Mind: Perinatal Text Service
Confidential service offers advice and information to support mothers across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland who struggle with mental health issues during pregnancy and baby's first year.
Talking Therapy support to adults 16-years and over, who live and are registered with a GP in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
Mental Health Central Access Point
This is a 24/7 Freephone helpline for people of all ages in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, provided jointly by Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (LPT) and Turning Point
Being a parent has never been easy. It can be lonely, frustrating, heart breaking and over-whelming. Life-changing events can happen to anyone. That is why Home-Start is ready to support families through their toughest times.
Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Mind
Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of communities across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
National Mental Health Services
Alongside visiting your local GP, there are also a wide range of national mental health charities and organisations who can offer support for pregnant and/ or post natal women. These include:
- NHS Every Mind Matters. There are some useful apps and information if you are caring for someone with mental health.
- Anxiety UK supports those who are living with anxiety. Call 03444 775 774.
- Family Lives provides information for parents and children. Call 0808 800 2222.
- Mind Charity provides information and signposting. Call 0300 123 3393 (Monday to Friday, 9am- 6pm) or text 86463. They also have a sister website Elefriends.
- No Panic provides programmes and supports those with anxiety. Call 0844 967 4848.
- NSPCC supports your during pregnancy and post birth. Call 0808 800 5000 or email
- Rethink Mental Illness advice service, Monday- Friday, 9.30am- 4pm. Call 0300 5000 927.
- Samaritans. Call 116 123 for free 27/4 or email for a response within 24 hours.
- SANEline supports those affected by mental health as well as their families, 4.30pm- 10.30pm every day of the year. Call 0300 304 7000.
- The Association for Post Natal Illness. Call 020 7386 0868.
- PANDAS Foundation provides information and support for anyone experiencing perinatal mental health
- Open PAWS provides perinatal anxiety support through tools and techniques.
- Turning Point Crisis Support. Call 0808 800 3302
The Maternal Mental Health Alliance (MMHA) is a UK-wide charity and network of over 120 organisations, dedicated to ensuring all women and families impacted by perinatal mental health problems have access to high-quality, compassionate care and support. We bring the maternal mental health community together and make change happen by combining the power of real-life experience with clinical and professional expertise.